I'd like to extend a huge thank you to Executive Director David Court and Head Librarian Colleen Crowley of the Desert Foothills Library for allowing me to come visit and discuss the joys and challenges of library service in the digital age. I enjoyed the fellowship and left feeling affirmed that all libraries are more alike than different, no matter how they're funded.
I'd be remiss however if I failed to extend a thank you to the other staff members and the volunteers I did not meet on my visit. Their hard work behind the scenes is a huge part of why the library and its website are so welcoming and useful. Good library service involves aspects not visible to the patron, like the whirlwind of activity in the backroom as materials come and go.
I did have the opportunity to meet the volunteers who run the used bookstore Chapter 2 Books and I strongly encourage any book lover to go shop there. Just give yourself plenty of time to browse because it will take a while!
The best part of this assignment is purely selfish on my part because I now have a new library to use and enjoy, mere minutes from my home.
I have quite a lot to reflect on from my visit with David Court and Colleen Crowley of the Desert Foothills Library. Although this assignment is primarily designed to focus on library technology, my real takeaway is this- digital connectivity is no substitute for in-person human connection.
The real area of interest I had for my interview focused on programing and how the staff at DFLA met the needs of their patron population through creative, cost-effectivie programming options. All three of us, myself, David and Colleen, love technology but we cannot dispute this simple fact- digital technologies have advanced so far that library patrons can opt to have a robust library relationship without ever leaving their homes. Through e-lending, digital downloads like magazine and music, movie streaming and database access, patrons can acquire all the information they desire.
When I worked at the high school, I wrote a library newsletter for staff with this tagline- Ask not what your library can do for you, but what YOU can do IN your library. Programming is what brings the community in the library and creates the opportunity for people to make greater connections with each other, with new ideas and within the library itself.
As I predicted, Teen programming is the biggest challenge for the staff at DFLA. Teens who drive have jobs, activities and a social calendar that leaves little room for library time. I see this trend in my own system. Like a tough reference search, we just keep attacking teen programming from different angles. This year we hosted a LibCon SciFi/Comic book convention for teens. The event was well-attended enough that we plan to expand it next year.
The other area of challenge at DFLA surprised me because I'd never considered it. DFLA is making a targeted effort to create programming that appeals to men. The library profession is traditionally dominated by women, and often programming attendance is as well. It's so obvious you're almost blind to it.
The programming surprise of the year was a Cold War film series run through a collaboration with the Paradise Valley Community College history department. The series was not only well attended, it prompted a second upcoming series on World War II.
This type of responsive programming is a huge benefit of being a stand-alone branch where all decisions are site-based. In my own system, programming is planned months in advance and not designed to respond well to trends or hot topics. I have yet to see a sudden add-on event. The flexibility DFLA has to create or retool events in the moment deepens the community connection it has with patrons.
The goal of any library is to serve its patrons with outstanding resources, support and programming. The Cave Creek community is fortunate to have such a branch in its city limits. All libraries have limits on funding that affect staffing, hours and collection development. To that end, Desert Foothills Library is truly a library without limits because of its commitment to honoring the best of everything a library can do for and with its community.
I had a fantastic afternoon at the Desert Foothills Library interviewing Executive Director David Court and Head Librarian Colleen Crowley. We had a lively discussion that included many common practices, challenges and delights between DFLA and my own employer, the bigger, five branch Scottsdale Public Library. It is exactly this feeling of community that makes library service so enjoyable. Not only did I get some good ideas for consideration in my own branch, I had a few tips to share as well. We were so busy talking, I neglected to take any pictures, so I apologize for using the few that are available on the website, they do not do the building justice. Located a top a hill, I didn't want to get of my car because the view of the desert and mountains was so spectacular.
DFLA is a small community library with a large number of services. From a technology standpoint, it has about 20 public use computers designated for adult, teen and youth use. The annual technology budget is less than 3% of the total budget. The paid staff (11 people to over 125 volunteers) have learned to troubleshoot on a variety of common IT problems; updates, rebooting routers and navigating Office. Without a dedicated IT department, they have administrator permissions to solve most issues customers encounter while using library devices. On the staff side, they are grouped according to a designated area- databases, Polaris (OPAC) and the website. If something significant goes wrong, they call for service, which is built into the budget.
Technology programing is a priority and is well attended. Ms. Crowley, who has been with the branch for almost a year, has included youth in the technology programing area to great success with programs like Minecraft Camp. On the horizon is a new program on Internet Security designed to teach customers how to better project themselves online. Great idea!
We shared some challenges about e-books, e-readers and the learning gap required to get customers up to speed with e-lending. Given the number of devices and operating systems out there, it's difficult for staff to keep up with mastering all the variables. Like a bigger library, DFLA sees a high amount of walk-in traffic with e-book questions that can consume a large amount of staff time. No matter the size of the library, finding the right balance of staffing or time staff should spend on certain services is not an exact science.
At this point in time DFLA does not offer any assistive technologies. The building is ADA compliant of course. Part of this is due to funding and the other is a lack of demand, at this time.
The technology wish list surprised me a bit. Program Manager Dereth Dehaan would like event registration software as all reservations are done by hand- call in or walk-in. Executive Director Court would like Office 365 to better streamline Outlook for staff. Budget limits hold them back.
DFLA is a non-profit branch. 40% of the annual budget comes from Donor card holders- the minimum being $40 a year. These card holders have a few more privileges over free card holders, such as reserving books and double the amount of checkouts allowed. Some of the programs have fees and the library takes advantage of funds from the Library Assistance Program from the Maricopa County Library District. It also hosts the biggest most fantastic library used bookstore I have seen- Chapter 2 Books- which provides about 25% of annual funding. The branch has been able to meet its funding goals each year thus far, which demonstrates not only its value in the community but the skill of the staff and volunteers to maximize all revenue sources and prioritize the budget effectively.
This is all bookstore for shopping!
In most ways DFLA looks and feels exactly like any library. It's welcoming, people are working quietly, expect for the Youth area, where small voices can be heard. It's a library that is used and is enjoyed and reflects the needs and personality of the patrons it serves in a manner that is not always possible in a bigger system where branding and design continuity are important. I saw personal touches throughout the space like a hand-done bulletin board in the Youth area and the display from a local photography contest.
Circulation numbers are up for both print and digital materials, a trend I believe will become the norm. Print collections are smaller these days, but are being better used through efficient weeding and creative collection development.
This is a library I could spend hours in. I became a donating member and plan to use it for both materials and programing in the future.
I have my library visit at Desert Foothills Library this week. I'd like to share the questions I've submitted to Executive Director David Court and what the focus of my interview is about. While this assignment is for my Library Technology class, I personally want to include how this stand-alone, privately funded library is both alike and similar to a traditionally funded, like my employer, city or country library system. Unlike the private sector, libraries do not view other library systems as competition. We face many of the same challenges; budget concerns, keeping up with technology needs and programing slumps. How we address those concerns varies from system to system based on a variety of factors. Often the best ideas come from professional sharing.
Here are my technology questions-
1.What percent of
the budget is allocated for technology and digital services or materials?
Who manages-
is there a staff member dedicated to it?
support/service- in-house or sent out?
I'm especially interested in how a single library handles IT issues because, let's face it, they pop up frequently given browser updates, software updates and network challenges. When I worked for the school district I had to learn to do a variety of IT support services. While we had an IT department, they couldn't always arrive in a timely manner, so I had to learn to solve the most common problems, which were usually associated with updates (or lack of updating!).
Types of technology programing
Age groups served
This is another area of high interest to me since the Scottsdale Public Library stopped doing computer training and all those services went to Parks and Rec as fee-based classes. Digital literacy skills are vital for all patrons now.
technologies available
3.How can you best
describe the organizational structure for making technology decisions in your
library model?
4.If you could
have/add a technology service or device and budget wasn’t a concern, what would
it be?
Very curious about this one! My tech wish list is an e-book center with all devices so customers could see how to check out e-books on their own device.
What is your
most challenging program area/customer group? (In terms of selecting meaningful
programs and getting attendance, not customer behavior.)
If I had to guess, I think they will answer that Teen Programing is challenging. Teens have jobs, schoolwork and activities that keep them pretty busy, it's a struggle to find programing that brings them in, especially during the school year.
surprise- ever tried something you had doubts about and it turned out to be a
big hit?
This is a purely selfish question because I love hearing new ideas or new ways to approach traditional programing.
and services- growing, declining or steady? I’m of the opinion that library
services are more needed than ever.
Given that Desert Foothills serves a small, mostly affluent community, it would be easy for people to assume no one needs a library. As I know from working in a system that also serves a largely affluent population, this is a huge myth. People depend on libraries for a variety of services, most importantly, in my opinion, the staff who are always ready to answer their questions.
Come back next Thursday to read about my visit and see if my predictions on some of the questions were correct!
At first glance at the Desert Foothills Library website you might think I'm wrong to include them as an alternative Library model. The events calendar is full of programing options for all ages, including after-hours activities for teens on a few Friday nights. The mission statement, vision and values are in in alignment with the American Library Associations Library Bill of Rights.
Scroll around a bit more and you'll discover that the branch offers free home delivery of library materials. Given that Cave Creek has a population a little over 5,000 (2010 census) this isn't surprising, but the fact that it's offered demonstrates how connected the library is to its community.
That same level of hospitality applies to the staff if my communication with Executive Director David Court is any indication. Mr. Court responded to my email request for an interview for the purposes of this blog project promptly and with enthusiasm. Within thirty-six hours I had an interview with both him and the Head Librarian set up.
As I study the website more, I will be compelling a list of questions that I'll submit to him in advance. Currently, I'm curious about the role volunteers play and how their responsibilities differ from the volunteers in my own system. No library can survive without volunteers. And naturally I'm eager to understand their membership and funding structure.
The media offers a contrasting view of library services today. One on hand you see the importance of a library's role in the community celebrated, as was the case during riots in Ferguson, MO and Baltimore, MD. On the other, bookless, 100% digital libraries are heralded as the future. Where does the truth lie in not only public perception, but, more importantly, in practice? In this six-part series, I'm going to explore a library model that is both vastly different and nearly the same as the one I work for.
Meet the Desert Foothills Library, a privately funded, free public library. Yep, such a thing exists! How is this possible? Here's a brief snapshot from the membership brochure (yes, you read that correctly, membership).
I'm looking forward to learning more about this stand-alone branch (which is located in my own backyard) and how it survives (and seemingly thrives) in today's library budget-cutting cilmate.
The world is moving fast, but keeping up is easier than you think. If you possess the basic building blocks of digital literacy- vocabulary, tools and confidence- you can post, download, Skype, text and message with the best of them!
The digital age has brought with it a new lexicon that can, at times, sound confusing. Much like a traveler in a foreign country, knowing the basic terms for daily life can get you quite far. Listed below are the key terms used most frequently used in the digital landscape. This list was created by the Fair Lawn School District in New Jersey. I've added a couple new terms and changed some language that applied only to the school environment.
Anti-Virus - An application designed to search for viruses and repair files on a computer.
Applications - Programs that allow you to accomplish certain tasks such as write letters, analyze numbers, sort files, manage finances, draw pictures, and play games.
AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) - A set of rules and guidelines that are set up to regulate Internet use and to protect the user.
Blog – Short for “web log”; refers to a list of journal entries posted on a web page.
Browser – A program used to view webpages on the Internet; such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Chrome.
Cloud (Cloud Computing) - Applications and services offered over the Internet. These services are offered from data centers all over the world, which collectively are referred to as the "cloud."
CopyrightLaw - The law that protects the exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish, sell, or distribute the matter and form of something.
Cookie – Special type of file which is saved on the hard drive of your computer which tracks your activity on the website when you visit a website for the first time.
CPU – The heart or brain of a computer usually housed in a tower or box; stands for “Central Processing Unit”.
Cyberbully - The electronic posting of mean-spirited messages about a person, often done anonymously.
Database - A database is an organized collection of related information that can be used for searches.
Desktop – The primary start screen of icons on a computer monitor, from which users can access programs, files and folders. Download - To copy data from one computer to another. Domain - Contains a group of computers that can be accessed and administered with a common set of rules.
e-reader – A portable hardware device that is designed to display textual data like e-books, magazines and digital newspapers (e.g., Kindle, tablets).
File - A file is a collection of data stored in one unit, identified by a name; files can be opened, saved, deleted, and moved to different folders.
Firewall - Technology that prevents users from visiting inappropriate web sites and protects the network from unauthorized users.
Flash Drive – A small external device for storing data; also called Memory Stick or Thumb Drive.
Folder – An object that can contain multiple documents; folders are used to organize information.
Hardware – The physical part of a computer which includes the keyboard, monitor, mouse and CPU (computer box).
Home page - An introductory screen on a web page on the World Wide Web, used to welcome visitors. A home page can include special text or graphics on which you click to jump to related information on other pages on the Web.
Hotspot – An area that has an available wireless signal for Internet access (usually public and often free).
Hyperlink or Hypertext - Special text when clicked jumps the user from one related topic to another.
HTML – The computer language in which web pages are written; stands for Hyper Text Make Up Language.
Icon – A small image or picture on a computer screen that is a symbol/shortcut for folders, disks, programs or printers.
Identity Theft - A crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person’s personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception.
IntellectualProperty – The ownership of intangible and non-physical goods, including ideas, names, designs, symbols, artwork, writings, and digital media (i.e., audio and video clips that can be downloaded online). Since intellectual property is intangible, it is more difficult to protect.
Java Script – A mini program that runs in the background of webpages to add some dynamic features.
Netiquette -Etiquette governing communications on the Internet.
Network - A system of connected computers that allows the sharing of files and equipment. There are two types of networks: local area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN).
Operating System – The software that controls the basic function of the computer, such as Windows XP, Windows7, or Yosemite on a Mac.
Phishing – Phony emails, popups or texts that lure you into giving out personal and financial information.
PDF – A file format that is developed and used to display and print documents; usually not editable (stands for Portable Document Format).
Program – Software that runs on a computer; also known as application, such as Word, PowerPoint, Smart Notebook.
Save As - To save a document with a new name or file location.
Server – Designed to support a computer network that allows users to share data, software and peripherals.
Shortcut - An icon that points to a program or data file. Shortcuts can be placed on the desktop or stored in other folders, and double clicking a shortcut is the same as double clicking the original file.
Social Networking – Using the Internet to create a virtual community by sharing messages, comments and other information using websites designed for that purpose. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Upload - To transfer data from one computer to another.
Tablet – A portable computer that uses a touch screen as the primary input device instead of a keyboard and/or mouse. iPad, Kindle Fire, etc.
URL – The address of a specific website or file on the Internet; stands for “Uniform Resource Locator”.
Web Browser – Program used to access the Internet; common browsers are Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome and Safari.
WiFi – Refers to the wireless network technology that allows computers and other devices to communicate over a wireless signal.
Having the right words to explain questions or concerns can make troubleshooting easier.
Now that you understand the digital vocabulary, it's time to apply it. How you find information you need as seamlessly as possible?
Need to dig deeper than a Google search? Have you used the Library resources your library card gives you access to? Start on the SPL home page and click on Browse the Library.
Next, select Learning and Resources from the drop down menu. You can search by interest category or select All Research Links for the database list.
Remember to have your library card handy since most of the databases will ask for your card number and some will require you to create an account with them in order to save your searches. You can apply the same search techniques from the Google video inside the databases. The best way to become comfortable is to practice on your own. You can also take advantage of Ask A Librarian services from the library and either ask questions or schedule a one-on-one session for a specific topic.
Now that your foundation is set, you have the tools to build your knowledge base. As you do more online, your skills and confidence will grow. One of the best sites for self-guided practice is Learn the Net. Take some time to explore the site and watch their how-to videos. Don't forget about You Tube either.
Remember- practice makes practically perfect in every way!